So I guess this is where I tell you about me.
Grew up in a small town called Bethlehem NH. Survived High School…still not sure how. Made my way to Plymouth State where I had no clue what I wanted to be. Figured I could get a degree in Communications, (it’s a fancy word for Undeclared), and get a job in almost any field. Started working at the College Radio Station WPCR. Found out that talking on the air and playing music is really fun and easy. Graduated, moved south and got hired by The Hawk.
I’m afraid of heights, spiders, and ninja leprechauns.
I’m a geek so yes I play video games, love Sci-fi and have a picture of myself with William Shatners toupee.
Favorite shows include: Schitt’s Creek, The Mandalorian, Star Trek: Discovery and Ted Lasso.
Favorite Movies: The Hangover, Avengers, Star Trek, Monty Python & The Holy Grail.
Anything else you want to know? You can reach me ZDerby@LakesMediaNH.com