Register now at for the May 7th 5k walk or run race at the State House in Concord.
Find out more »March is Membership Month at the Belknap Mill, and we’re thrilled to invite you to be part of something special! As we kick off our Membership Drive for 2025, our goal is to welcome 100 new
Find out more »FREE HOT MEAL – Doors Open at 4:30 Dinner served at 5. All are welcomed. 31 Gilford Ave., Laconia, NH
Find out more »Art and Coffee Club at the Belknap Mill Museum LACONIA, NH: The Belknap Mill has launched a series of workshops designed to bring out the
Find out more »**Free Coffee & Donuts for Veterans**– **Who:** Veterans and their families– **When:** Every Friday from 10 AM to Noon (except holidays)– **Where:** 314 South Main Street,
Find out more »Why stay home and eat fish alone? The Alumni Moms of Bishop Brady High School invite you to join us for dinner each Friday of this Lenten season. We have a growing community of diners who all
Find out more »FREE HOT MEAL – Doors Open at 4:30 Dinner served at 5. All are welcomed. 31 Gilford Ave., Laconia, NH
Find out more »Join the Belknap Mill’s Page Turners Book Club! January is the perfect time to start a new reading adventure, and the Belknap Mill Museum is inviting book lovers of all locations to join
Find out more »