Homecoming Day for Franklin High School will be on Saturday, September 29th. That same day will be NH Tackles Hunger Day where the Student Athletic Leadership Team (SALT) will be collecting non-perishable food items and cash donations to be given to the Twin Rivers Interfaith Food Pantry in Franklin. The SALT team will be at the Franklin Hannaford Supermarket on Wednesday, September 26th to jump start the collections using a $250 Gift Card donated by Dead River Company. Anyone bringing at least two food items will get FREE admission to the games. The Homecoming Day schedule for Franklin is varsity soccer v.s Newport 10:00am at FHS; JV volleyball vs. Stevens 10:00am and varsity volleyball vs. Stevens 11:15am at Middle School gymnasium; varsity field hockey vs. Mascoma 12:00pm at FHS and varsity football against Bishop Brady 3:30.