Sunday, May 7 at the VFW Hall in Laconia to benefit the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction
Gift Card Gala, 5/7/23
Time: 12:30 to 5 pm, Games start at 1pm
First come, first served seating for 200 guests begins at 12:30pm, with games scheduled to start at 1pm.
Attend with friends and family to win prize packages. Total value of over $13,000 in prizes!
Offer to play a game card by “proxy” for anyone who cannot attend.
VFW staff will offer all beverage services. Delicious donuts from Goody Good Donuts in Laconia, baked goods from The Village Store in Gilford, healthy homemade granola from Personal Chef Ken Brady and Wrap City’s signature potato chips will be offered, along with more yummy snacks!
Cash bartender service for all beverages will be offered by VFW staff.
Players can pre-buy a game card for a chance to win 38 prize packages, worth an average of $250 each. There are 35 regular games for $1 per game card, with 3 bonus games for $5 per game. To pre-buy a $50 game card good for all 38 games, go to by the May 4 deadline. Be sure to note the game player’s name and “GC Gala” under comments. Pre-buy game players will receive their game cards at the event check-in table.
Game cards will be offered at the event via cash (ATM machine available) or $50 check for all games payable to GLR Children’s Auction. Playing a game similar to bingo with a deck of playing cards, tie-breaker prizes will also be awarded.

Questions? Contact Judi Taggart at 603-493-9524 or email her at